NUFORC Sighting 27097

Occurred: 2003-01-14 17:00 Local
Reported: 2003-01-15 10:36 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 mins
No of observers: 5

Location: Capitola, FL, USA

Shape: Cylinder

blimp-like ufo seen 15 miles east of Tallahassee

I was feeding my sheep and heard a jet so I looked up and saw the jet at about 5,000 ft heading north and at about 1,000 ft I saw a large torpeodo thing flying south. The jet and noise were gone in about 10 seconds; but, the tube was silent, big and slow (faster than any blimp but much slower than a plane like a cessna 172). It was not a blimp because it didn't have a pod beneath or fins or engines and it was much slimmer than any blimp. It was shiny as a mirror and I didn't see any wings. I began to scream "look, a spacecraft!" over and over. Three girls about six ran over and I believe they saw it as I was headed to a neighbors house who came out to see what all the fuss was about but it had passed behind some trees. When it passed between two trees, it was about rice grain size and to far to see well. I guess it passed about a quarter mile east of me and was about the size of two semi-trailers.

Posted 2003-01-20

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