NUFORC UFO Sighting 27048

Occurred: 1981-06-15 19:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-01-12 18:05 Pacific
Duration: 15/20min
No of observers: 4

Location: Foxton (New Zealand), , New Zealand

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object

I wa on the roof of my parents house when i heard my younger brother yelling out.

My brothers and I were up on my parents roof on this particular night. We were hiding away from our babysitter. It was my youngest brother who spotted it first. From a distance, but clear as day, my other brother and myself looked up to see what our younger brother was looking at. It was then that we stopped tormenting the babysitter (who was trying to get us down off the roof) and just sat there, watching this dim and yet bright yellow oval shapped object just hover, suspendid in animation over a small hill coverd in pine trees.

At first, i thought it was some kind of bird or plane, because i remember seeing something similer a few months back. But there was something different about this object. There was no noise, not even a sound of a car.

Everything just seemed to be still...if anything, that is what i remember most about that night...i couldent even hear our babysitter yelling at us.

Then it happened, after being still for at least a few minutes, it started to move, but move very slowly.

Just gliding from one side for a short distance, stop, and then move to the other.

My younger brother then started yelling with excitement to the babysitter saying "hey, look at that, look up, look up!" Then we all started saying that to the babysitter. Pointing to the thing in the sky but looking at her.

With all the excitement, she looked up, and we knew she saw it because she just stopped with her mouth open and stood there.

But then she smiled adn said that itwas a bird, she had an expression on her face as if thats what she wanted to belive that.

I don't know about the others, but i know that what we saw that night was no bird.

It was to big, to quiet, to visible, and had a unfamilar light about it to be a bird!


Date is approximate. We have assigned an arbitrary date so that the report sorts to June 1981. PD

Posted 2003-03-21

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