NUFORC UFO Sighting 27045
Occurred: 2002-11-11 18:37 LocalReported: 2003-01-12 14:40 Pacific
Duration: Momentary
No of observers: 1
Location: Garwood, TX, USA
Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Cylindrical object with no wings appeared high in the sky.
Clear sky, high clouds. Cylindrical object appeared in sky with a commercial aircraft. My wife heard the commercial aircraft and looked up. The commercial aircraft continued on, but the object was still there, making no noise. The object had no wings which surprised my wife. It appeared white with a red center section. She grabbed my camera and took a shot, unfortunately not using the telephoto lens. This is a digital image captured with a digital camera.
We have looked at the photo, which is indistinct. The image is quite small, and we wonder whether it might be an airliner at considerable altitude. PD
Posted 2003-02-25
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