NUFORC UFO Sighting 2704
Occurred: 1997-08-29 18:30 LocalReported: 1997-10-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Lyons, CO, USA
Shape: Disk
Summary : Two High School Girls see silver disk move over town
My daughters were at the High School playing field about 45 minutes before the start of a Football game when they looked up and saw a disk about the size of a dime held at arms length, (lower than the low clouds) move from the NE to the SW to W direction. It moved slowly and the setting sun caused it to reflect light very brightly like an object of very smooth metal or glass. The shape was that of a disk with a slight indentation in the center. It made no noise. They have never seen anything like it before and did not really believe stories I had told them of UFOs I had seen before their birth. I report this because I note that other sightings are being seen in the Wyo.& Colo. area. I also may have seen another one myself on about 8/4/97 just at sunrise, also over Lyons. It too was reflecting the sun very brightly. I kept it to myself because I did not see its shape. It too made no sound though it was not very high over town and traveled N to S.
Posted 1999-01-28
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