NUFORC UFO Sighting 27012

Occurred: 1981-06-23 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-01-10 13:59 Pacific
Duration: five minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Neufchatel (Canada), QC, Canada

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Lights on object

Cigar like shape object, floating over a field, had red lights and was making a humming sound.

I was about twelve or thirteen years old. That summer there had been a lot of UFO's sighting in Quebec. I remember seeing it in the news paper. That night we had a small get together with neihbors. The adults had a camp fire going. I remember at one point that my friends and I left the party to take a walk close to the field. That's when we saw the object. The object was floating about 15 feet over top of the field it was horizontal with red lights. I could hear some kind of humming sound, but it was not an helicopter. The movements were too smooth to be an helicopter. It was just floating for a while and at some point sarted to go from left to right back and forth making cross like movement. It felt like something in there saw us and got affraid. And suddenly it left really quickly and totally disapeared in a matter of a few seconds.

The next day we went to look in the field to see if we would be able to see something on the ground but we did not see anything.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2003-01-26

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