NUFORC UFO Sighting 2690
Occurred: 1997-10-01 01:10 LocalReported: 1997-10-04 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Fort Jennings, OH, USA
Shape: Other
Summary : I saw an object moving from north to south which appeared to have red and orange revolving lights around it. The craft was absolutely silent, and by judging distance, appeared to be moving at a good rate of speed.
What I saw was what started out as a red dot in the sky. As it moved closer from the north, I began to see what appeared to be red and orange revolving lights. The object appeared to be no more than 1000 ft. from the ground hovering absolutely silent. Though I cannot give an exact shape of the object, it did not appear to be saucer shaped. It seemed to be more boxy or triangular shaped. I watched the object for about 1 to 2 minutes until, well frankly, I became scared shitless. I ran into the house to wake my mother so she could see the object, but by the time we got outside it had gone. I said nothing about this to anyone outside of my family until Thursday night at work. When I did talk about it at work, expecting to get laughed at, I found an older man who claims to have seen an object similar in description. He saw it on his way home from work on the same night between 11:00 and 11:30 pm. His sighting was about 10 miles WSW of mine, though he watched for about ! 20 minutes.
Posted 1999-01-28
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