NUFORC UFO Sighting 26898
Occurred: 1984-05-15 18:45 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-01-05 06:33 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Flower Mound, TX, USA
Shape: Disk
The glowing disc came from the South in the evening sky and silently moved North at a high rate of speed.
I was living with my older brother and his family in Flower Mound, Texas, looking for work in the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex. It was early evening after we had finished the our evening meal. I stepped outside in the backyard to smoke a cigarette and sat on a garden chair just off the patio. It was a clear sky; I could easily count the stars. The residential neighborhood was just West of the flight patterns of the DFW airport. The sky was frequently dotted with planes of all types approaching to land, or nose-up to gain altitude away from the busy airport. The sun had not completely set; objects high in the sky were catching the sun's last rays and were very bright with the illumination. I was looking NNW. Suddenly from the South a bright round disc silently moved across the sky. Having seen many jets fly in a similar direction, I was quickly aware of how much faster this object was conclusion was this was not a jet. Because of the sunlight it appeared to be slightly yellow, but mostly white. I did not write the exact date down anywhere because I knew no one would believe me, later. 1984 is the year, for sure. I remember it was not yet a typical hot Texas summer...late Spring. I am very surprised to see no record or report from anyone about this sighting. With so many people in that region of Texas someone else had to have seen it. Because of the similarity to the flight paths to/from DFW and the many passenger jets I had watched while in Flower Mound, this was a very large craft.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2003-02-25
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