NUFORC UFO Sighting 26892

Occurred: 1992-02-02 03:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-01-04 13:54 Pacific
Duration: One hour
No of observers: 0

Location: Makawao, HI, USA

Shape: Other

Visitation of beings into my home where I actually 'heard' a voice from the being.

I was visited during the wee hours of a morning as above-defined. There were several beings in my room. I felt their presence and 'heard' a male-type voice telling the other begins, 'She's awake.' I could NOT open my eyes. I could NOT move my body. It was as if an electrical shock wave was keeping me bound tightly together. I could hear everything going on around me. My clothing was being pulled out of my closet as I could hear the hangers scraping the clothes hanging pole; my dresser drawers were being opened and closed and my books on my shelves were being pulled out one, by one, as if "they" were looking for something.

I then felt a small 'head' by my head as I was lying on my pillow and I kept telling myself to 'open your eyes!' I could not. The presence said "She will not remember this." But I still do to this day. I also felt something implanted in my uterus that was a triangular shape. I have since had my uterus removed last year. I got horrible cramps for three days after the visitation.

I also had a visit from these same beings when I was a little girl in Texas back in 1958 or 59, if you are interested. I know I have been chosen as a 'study project' of some type.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2003-02-25

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