NUFORC UFO Sighting 26784

Occurred: 1997-05-15 08:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2002-12-28 21:11 Pacific
Duration: 25 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Mesquite (near Dallas), TX, USA

Shape: Teardrop
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Small quiet very non dramatic teardrop shaped flying object appeared to be taking off.

Happened about 5 years ago early one saturday morning. I was in my back yard. I live near the Mesquite airport . I looked up to watch a Cessna 182 puttering along over my house.

When above it I saw a small white teardrop shaped craft climbing above it. Tracing its trajectory backwards it seemed to have taken off from that wooded area around Kleberg-Hutchins or somewhere over there.

If the thing didnt happen to pass right where my eyes just happened to be focused I would never have seen it.

Below I recount exactly what I saw: It appeared to be too small to have a human riding in it.

It was white It was tear drop shaped. With the pointy end to the front.

There were no windows or port holes.

There was no noise No apparrent means of locomotion. No exhaust ports or intakes of any description. The object ascended on a 35 to 45 degree angle plane effortlessly . The charactacter of the ascent was deliberate , not like a balloon .

I do not think it was extra -terrestrial . It didnt do any extraordinary manuvers that would make me think so.

But it was designed not to attract attention . If my eyes werent focused in the right place I would never have seen it. Indeed there could be a dozen of those things up there and if I were looking up in a general way I would not have noticed.

I watched it until it faded from view. It appeared to not have been leveling off when I lost sight of it. ( continuing to climb )


Witness indicates that date is approximate. PD

Posted 2003-02-25

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