NUFORC UFO Sighting 26384

Occurred: 2002-07-23 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2002-12-02 11:28 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 6

Location: Montreal (Canada), QC, Canada

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

i was supposed to stay home the day this happened..thank god a didn't ,cause it was a night i'll never forget

i don't remember the exact date but me and a few of my friends were sitting down on a hill close too one of my friends house and we were talking and playing guitar ect... whwn one of my friends told me to look in the sky,so i looked up and there was stips of light in the sky..more than one...after staring at it for a while we came to conlusion that it was the northern lights...after a while the lights went away and we continued about are night. after a while i noticed a light in the sky and i told my friend to look up with me..everyone else didn/t care and didn't care too look. we stared at it while it was flying in the sky like a plane, but intead of going left or right,or down,,this object was going up..going up and up untill it finally dissapeared.right after that happened me and my friend told are other friends what happened and they all looked soon as everyone looked up we saw a shooting star!!this story is long but i'm still not finished. every one was confused on what was happening that night.5 min after the shooting star i noticed another object in the looked like a plane so we didn't really care..i continued too lokk at it while my other friends were going about there night..i was observing the craft as i noticed that it did a complete circle in the sky and went back to were it i told my friends ant they started to watch it with me...after doing one whole circle it went back to the exact place and started do do a second turn..after a while a started to notice that this wansn't right because it was doingthe same thing over and over for atleast 45 min..but every time it did a turn it was getting closer and closer to us...i was serioussly afraid and so were my friends cause we tought it was going to shoot or came so close that it was over us in the sky...every one noticed that it didn't look like a plane but a triangle.we contined to stare at it as it went further and further till we could not see it anymore...out of 7 people that were there with me no on! e was su re on what it was...

after a while the northern lights came back and they were alot bigger than befor..the whole sky was lit up and it was beautiful,but me and my friends told this story to many people and out of all the people in are one saw anything.

Posted 2002-12-23

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