NUFORC UFO Sighting 2630

Occurred: 1997-07-12 02:45 Local
Reported: 1997-08-04 00:00 Pacific
Duration: about1:30sec
No of observers: 0

Location: Reno/Sparks, NV, USA

Shape: triangle

Summary : Large inverted triangle light moved slowly along the flight path of the airport for about a minute then instantly vanished.

I was listening to the Art Bell show and had gone to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As I walk past the patio door I look out and saw a inverted triangle of soft golden white light. It was moving at about 60-70mph north along the flight path for Reno Cannon International Airport. At first I thought It was a planes landing lights, but I saw No blinking transponder! I stepped out side and the city was unusually quite. I listened and could hear no engine or jet noise! That is when I knew it was no plane! The flight path Is about 3 miles from my house and I can hear every plane that lands or takes off, and I have watched hundereds of planes take off and land in the 33 years I have lived here. I watched it move from just over the Reno Hilton Hotel, which is about 4-5 miles south west of my house, untill It was just over the dark line of my neighbors house due west off me when it just blinked off! At that distance I would estimate the size to be about 100 by 100 ft. The sides of the triangel were equal and the golden white light was soft enough that the glow did not distort the shape of the object. It was flying level at about a thousand ft. I own a dental laboratory and am use to paying attention to small details. It had travelled about 5 miles from the time I sppotted it untill it vanished about 90 sec. later. It travelled slow and level, it did not turn, pulsate or do any thing unusual except blink off with out even saying goodby. I thought that was very rude. They have the nerve to fly over, get people all excited then leave with out so much as even a thank you.

Posted 1999-01-28

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