NUFORC UFO Sighting 26203

Occurred: 1999-07-23 22:30 Local
Reported: 2002-11-22 18:16 Pacific
Duration: Approx 5 min.
No of observers: 1

Location: Modena, NY, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects

Saw and video taped strange objects over my house.

On 07/23/1999 at 10:30 pm I took my dog outside and looked up and saw a large cigar shaped object above my house. This cigar shaped object had a red and blue light in its front and rear. This object had a small object following behind. This small object had three lights on it, two red one blue and made some strange noise. I ran into my house and got binoculars and went back outside. The binoculars didnt work to well in the dark but I noticed that the small object was now touching the cigar shaped object. I then ran back inside to get my camcorder. When I returned back outside the large object was gone. I now saw three to four objects flying high overhead. I began to film them with great success. These objects are seen on my video flying, stopping, moving up and down and dropping what appears to be balls of flame. Todays date is 11/22/2002. I remember this night like it was yesterday. I attempted once before to report this and was told " we dont want any videos unless it is! a real UFO". I thought this was funny and felt pretty stupid. I am retired from law enforcement and father of three, I didnt feel like being rideculed so I have had this video in my safe since this date.

Posted 2002-12-23

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