NUFORC UFO Sighting 26200
Occurred: 2002-11-17 06:55 LocalReported: 2002-11-22 07:11 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Chippewa Lake, MI, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects
Hunter observes unidentified flying object.
11/17/02 Predawn hour clear starfilled sky, observed object traveling from western horizon towards the east. Appeared to have material falling off of object. No vapor trail nor sound emitted from object. Object than stopped and remained stationary for approximately fifteen minutes. Observed object through high powered quality rifle scope. Red and white strobe lights on the underside of object. Dome outline on the topside of object. During the duration of the observance,stars that had once filled sky were now not visible. Object than changed direction and headed to the south. Visibility of object remarkable. Viewed object for miles. Speed of object was as if it was cruising. Object than ascended, visibilty lost.
Posted 2002-12-23
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