NUFORC UFO Sighting 2611
Occurred: 1997-05-23 04:00 LocalReported: 1997-07-30 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Arcadia (outskirts of), FL, USA
Shape: Light
Summary : Me and my friend were traveling down I-75 towards Arcadia, Fl. when we saw a very bright pulsating white light hovering in a clearing, after we passed it going 70 mph it began to follow us traveling just above the treeline, even after we went over a hill it still was behind us. It was blinking slower than an aircraft strobe light so I know that it was'nt any type of airplane, especially because there was no visible wings or fuselage. The light was so bright that it was lighting up the sky all around it. I followed for about 3 minutes and than quickly acclerated towards a small town and disappeared.
Me and my friend who are both college students, I am 21 he is 25 were traveling down I-75 northbound towards Arcadia, Fl on the way to a camping trip, it was early Saturday at about 4:00 am when we saw a very bright pulsating white light hovering in a clearing, after we passed it going 70 mph it began it rise up and began to follow us traveling just above the treeline,there was no smoke trail or any sign of a purpolsion sytem. It seemed to be only a couple of feet in diameter, with no discernable shape. Throughout the entire sighting it kept at the exact same distance on the other side of the Interstate heading towards the oncoming traffic, even after we went over a hill it still was behind us. It was blinking slower than an aircraft strobe light so I know that it was'nt any type of airplane, especially because there was no visible wings or fuselage. The light was so bright that it was lighting up the sky all around it. I followed for about 3 minutes and than quickly acclera! ted towards a small town and disappeared.
Posted 1998-09-26
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