NUFORC UFO Sighting 26082

Occurred: 2002-11-13 06:15 Local
Reported: 2002-11-14 08:40 Pacific
Duration: 6:15-6:30
No of observers: 2

Location: Hacienda Heights, CA, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

I was going home from my cousins house in La habra coming down Hacienda blvd. I didn't feel good so I was laying back in the passanger seat looking at the sky my boyfriend driving. We were driving down Hacienda from the hill when I looked at turnball canyon (a mountain with lots of houses surrounding it) and saw a huge round object with lots of red & white lights around it. At first I thought it was just the houses porch lights or something. Then I saw the object more clear as we got closer it was round like an upside down charcoal gray bowl with red lights around the rim. I could see some white lights underneath the object like as if it was looking for something not one beam of light but like little white lights just enough to see very dim. I didn't realize that it was a ufo until I saw it move hoovering moving toward the other side of the mountain. Thats when I yelled "is that a ufo" My boyfirend freaked as he saw it moving to the other side but, he only saw half of it because it was already starting to leave. Out of excitment, terror, or amazement I stared tearing. I have no idea why. This thing was huge maybe as big as an air balloon when you look at it while it is still on the ground. Just as fast as I took that look is how fast it was gone...

Posted 2002-11-16

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