NUFORC UFO Sighting 26067
Occurred: 2002-11-11 20:08 LocalReported: 2002-11-13 14:56 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 2
Location: San Jose, CA, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
Orange star like object observed in nighttime San Jose sky
My friend and I were just leaving the post office at Camden and Ross Aves. in my pickup when I saw an orange star like object moving slowly beneath the moon. I asked my friend, "Do you see that?" He replied, "Yes!". I stopped the truck in the parking lot and we both quickly got out for a better look. It was an orange, flame colored, star like object that was moving slowly east. Slower than a plane, it all of a sudden seemed to just disappear - maybe possibly into the nighttime clouds or haze behind it, and then I briefly saw it dimly flare again, and then it seemed to be totally gone.
We observed other, more traditional aircraft in the sky over the next few minutes and none of the operating beacons or landing lights had this same strange orange color that the object we first observed did.
Posted 2002-11-16
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