NUFORC UFO Sighting 2606
Occurred: 1997-07-30 20:10 LocalReported: 1997-07-31 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 to 20 min
No of observers: 4
Location: Gulf Breeze, FL, USA
Shape: Formation
Summary : I first spotted a single extremely bright orange glowing light, which was followed by 5 to 7 other stationary similar objects in a horizontal line. these objects remained did not move and lit the sky up brightly. one by one the lights dimmed and were gone. the lights were S.E. of the Tigre Point community and appeared to be over the gulf South of Navarre.
The bright lights were brighter than anything ive seen and lighted the clouds up all around them. The objects appeared to be staionary and i counted between 7-10 of them. They apeared remained still for 5 to 10 min. and dimmed out one by one. The first few were in a straight horizontal line and spaced uniformly. Near the end of the event a couple more bright objects apeared above this line. I wittnessed this with my neighbors and their child on a dock along the west side of Santa Rosa Sound near the Tiger Point community just east of Gulf Breeze. I am a college student and have lived here 1 year. This was my first ufo sighting. (and it was cool:))
Posted 1998-09-26
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