NUFORC UFO Sighting 26029
Occurred: 2002-11-10 14:30 LocalReported: 2002-11-10 16:17 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
We saw approx 10-15 (maybe more) little orbs above a light plane. At first they were in a V- formation then stretched out to an ungulating line. They ungulated about a thumbs length above the plane for quite awhile until the last orb zoomed to the front of the line and then they all disappeared. The line of orbs started above and in front of the plane and trailed behind. The plane was about in the middle of the line.
At first, the orbs were farther away in the V formation and were darker in color. They then swooped toward the plane and spread out and were shinnier (possibly sun reflection) Just the strangest thing we have ever seen. Not scary just odd.
P.S. Are you on any other radio program? We sure miss you on Art's show.
Witness indicates "Santa Barbara, DC." We presume she means California, and we have amended the report above. PD
Posted 2002-11-16
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