NUFORC UFO Sighting 25670

Occurred: 1975-06-01 21:00 Local
Reported: 2002-10-17 20:08 Pacific
No of observers: 1

Location: Goffstown, NH, USA

Shape: Sphere

i was coming home from the boysclub riding my bike then then brite object like the color of a tail pipe near the engine but very brite the size was about the size of a beachball it it floated above the trees i say it was the prettist thing that i haved ever seen as i was watching this thing riding my bike it followed me to my house which was about 500 feet were the boysclub was at i was so at oz seeing this the i hit the garbage cans on the side of the driveway lady in the house next door heard a comotion outdoors looked out her window and i pointed to the trees i yelled to look it she came outside she seen it and asked what that was then blink of an eye gone so fast didn t know which way it went no noise just gone next day in the news paper police officer in my town and a local lady seen a disc shape object

Posted 2002-10-28

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