NUFORC UFO Sighting 25436
Occurred: 2002-10-06 03:00 LocalReported: 2002-10-07 05:14 Pacific
Duration: 30 min. plus
No of observers: 1
Location: Farmingdale, NY, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
Long Island bright hovering white light eye level on a clear night sky.
I was up late as usual and preparing to hit the sack I always look around outside from my window and appreciate how quiet it is and I look up and appreciate the sky and the brilliant stars on a clear night. There was one "star" in the sky at about eye level, not high or low, that was so bright that I assumed it was a plane. No. No other lights on it, just one bright white glow. I stared at it until my eyes watered and I would look away for a moment close my eyes and re-open them, look back and stare again...same thing. It seemed to hover but then move quickly slightly to its left then right. It was far away and the distance it seemed to travel so quickly ruled out my second idea that it might be a helicopter. So with nothing better to do at three in the morning I went outside, leaned on my car in the driveway and stared, unobstructed by the window screen into a clear clear night at this bright object...still there and I noticed at times a sparkle of light to its left and right or maybe my eyes tired from staring, I don't know. I gave up and dismissed it as "whatever" until I found that there have been many reports of objects in Long Island.
We feel that a twinkling star, or stars, would be the first possible explanation that would have to be ruled out in this case. PD
Posted 2002-10-15
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