NUFORC UFO Sighting 25434

Occurred: 2002-10-07 23:50 Local
Reported: 2002-10-07 02:12 Pacific
Duration: about 15-20 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: San Bernardino, CA, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects

Orange ball of light moving in all directions and going through the atmosphere (burning). ON VIDEO!

A friend and I were sitting on high ground looking at a mountain (large hill) and witnessed a bright light rising from the base of the mountain which we both first thought to be some sort of strang off road vehicle or equivalent going up a road we were not familure with. It rose gradually and slowly at first up the mountain towards the west at about a 45 degree angle. It then past the silhoulet of the mountain and kept rising in about a 45 degree angle into the sky. It was then my friend and I kinda looked at each other and said out loud that that wasnt anything normal. Not a plan nore a helocopter of any sort. There were NO SOUNDS and NO BLINKING LIGHTS like on plans. I can only describe it as a ball of orange/yellow flam. Or a spherical orange ball that seemed to pulsate at times. (moved in all directions; up, down, left right)After it traveled a bit to the west, it stoped, hovered, then changed directions slowly to the east. It was at this time my friend and I became a little uncomfortable and desided to start back to my home. As we ran back to my house to fetch the video camera we kept an eye on it, stoping a few times to see what direction and speed it was taking. I rushed into my house (which was about 75 yards away) and woke up my family and got my video camera. I was followed by my father, sister and mother out into the front yard to gaze. I was so exited that the camera jared a lot at first. However, I was able to get it trailing off into the west going up and then burning through the atmosphere. MUST SEE VIDEO!

Posted 2002-10-15

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