NUFORC UFO Sighting 25432

Occurred: 1991-06-01 19:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2002-10-07 00:15 Pacific
No of observers: 1

Location: Dwarf, KY, USA

Shape: Teardrop
Characteristics: Lights on object

a low flying red object

it was around 7:30 p.m. or so. i live with hills all around my home.i was walking like i did most every night. my dog smoky trailing me. i was going down the side of the road. i was about a 100 yards or so from my home. it was a cool clear late november night. i first heard it. a strage sound,that sorry to say ican not put into words. i knew it sounded as if it was above and behind me. thats no plane or chopper was my first thought. i turned looked just a bove the tree line. i got a great look at a red thing.not just a light.solid fish bowl like shape. dome toped with lights in dome.the red belly of it had lights all around it.the bottom was like a upside down bowl. it to had a light that lite the insde of the bottom. i watched it fly low just above the tree tops.i guss for 10 secounds or so. i told no one at all till around 95. iknew all will think im nuts at that time. i talked of it after my friend said she and her doughter in law seen strage lights over the hills where she lives. about 4 miles from my home.then after she told of her sightings,then i told about mine four years earlier.i watched it till it flew over the hill a head of me. i dont have a picture of it. it was low enough that i could had made a great picture. then i seen a unsolved mysteries re-run. they had a u f o report on it.gulf breeze florida my suprise they showed photos of this craft.that is it i shouted.that was what i seen.i was watching with friends.they now knew what that thing looked like,i bought a video flying sausers are real. hosted by stanton t. to shows the photo of the thing i seen.


Witness indicates that date of the incident is approximate. PD

Posted 2002-10-15

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