NUFORC UFO Sighting 25419

Occurred: 2002-10-05 19:56 Local
Reported: 2002-10-05 21:17 Pacific
Duration: 12 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Ione, CA, USA

Shape: Formation

Very fast,silent, "v"formation, 5-6 points of light, north to south, fairly low, not blinking, reddish hue. Fast.

I had been sitting in a chair outside behind my house for about 1.5 hours. I watched 3 satelites and numerous airplanes pas by. It was dark and as I was watching above, 5-6 points of light traveled approximatley North to South. Odd thing #1: They were moving FAST!!!!!!. I had been watching for for some time at that point and what I saw was moving 10-20 times faster than anything I had seen. Odd thing #2: The points of light were 2-5 times larger than any star in the sky. Odd thing #3: They were also very definite points of light (not blinking) with a more reddish hue than any star.

Odd thing #4: They appearred to be flying low. As I watched earlier, other flying objects dissappeared relatively high on the horizon. These were somewhat lower. Odd thing #5: No sound. I had watched several jet airplanes traveling between 20-30 thousand feet, and as I watched them go by, I could hear them after they passed by. These were silent!!! Odd thing #6: In a broken "V" formation, the ones behind the front one appeared to move out and in somewhat.

I have never seen anything that could not be explained. This was a first.


We suspect that witness probably possesses considerable technical background, judging from his employment. PD

Posted 2002-10-15

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