NUFORC UFO Sighting 25411
Occurred: 2002-10-02 19:20 LocalReported: 2002-10-05 07:05 Pacific
No of observers: 4
Location: Watertown, NY, USA
Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams
The object picked up speed and followed us.
Me and my friend were going 4 wheeling when we saw what we thought was a plane. As we got closer we realized it was not a plane but a rectangular figure. We slowly came to a stop. it was headed south. when we stopped we noticed it had very bright lights. the lights were greenish blue, white, and red. Sudenly the object made a sharp 180 degree turn. this made the object come right for us. when it got above us it started to shine light on us. Since my friend got really scared, she told me to go as fast as i could and go into the garage. But i did not listen. instead i went up my driveway and noticed that the object had turned anither 90 degrees and was begining to follow us. So my friend and i got off the 4 wheeler and went to get my mom and brother. By this time the object had picked up speed and shot across the sky. I begged my friend to get back on the 4 wheeler and when she finally did we went to the other side of my house where the object went. we went back to park it and my friend got really scared and got off the 4 wheeler and ran in the house. As i was parking the 4 wheeler i noticed the lights again. so i called for my friend, but she did not come. As i looked at it more it began to dissapear. it did not go out of my sight. it never move farther along the sky. it just vanished. we haven't seen it since.
There was no noise present!
Witness elects to remain anonymous. PD
Posted 2002-10-15
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