NUFORC UFO Sighting 25404

Occurred: 2002-10-03 03:00 Local
Reported: 2002-10-04 19:12 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Morrisville, NC, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

noticed 5 round object at about 5000 ft above raleigh air port, watched for 5 minutes

sitting in my daughters school parking lot I noticed 5 round objects very high in the air. in a v formation. moving slowly. cant think of the north or south directions. they seemed to be about 4 to 5 thousand feet up. my location was about 3 miles from the Raleigh durham air port so there were other air craft in the area I was sitting directly under the flight path. well the ufos I saw were just black did not give me any reflection from the sun it was a very clear arms lenght I could have coverd all of them with my thumb. as they flew over the two bottom or trailing objects sort of broke off and randomly flew around the other three that stayed in a v shape. it took them about 5 minutes to cover the hole span of sky. I stopped the lady getting out of the car next to mine and had her look at them she looked at them for a second said they werent ufos and walked away. I asked her if they mighet be birds and she said they looked very high and were just little black dots to her. well I do not know what they were but thought you might be able to find out from the airport if they had any strange flights high bove the air port that day. I thought they might be large bird and not thet high but the formation they flew didnt sit right with me.I am a military brat and spent a tour in the Navy sort of remember how planes fly and grew up duck hunting in Louisiana done quite a bit of watching birds fly also. cant say it wasnt birds but would like to hear if the air port says they had anything on their radar

Posted 2002-10-15

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