NUFORC UFO Sighting 25396
Occurred: 2002-10-03 14:00 LocalReported: 2002-10-03 23:13 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
Location: Palmdale, CA, USA
Shape: Disk
I saw two UFO'S in the sky of Palmdale Calif,It was about 2:00pm thursday October3/2002.I was painting a patio and I looked up and saw one UFO at first it looked like a saucer it was silver in color,I know it was spinning because the sun was reflected on it making it flicker while it was spinning around .It moved as fast as lighting in deferent direction than I saw the second one and when one moved the other one follow the same way then they both took off as fast as lighting straight up and was gone.It was only about 1 minute long what I saw.
Posted 2002-10-15
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