NUFORC UFO Sighting 25376
Occurred: 2002-10-01 05:45 LocalReported: 2002-10-02 19:26 Pacific
Duration: 3-4 min
No of observers: 2
Location: Rainier, WA, USA
Shape: Light
I was taking my Boyfriend to work in yelm and as we entered onto koeppen rd and traveling north towards yelm We noticed to our left about 300 yards two beams of light coming down from the sky. They look to be purple and one was really large and the other was smaller. They were close together, we watched and commented to each other wondering what could be making the light. We drove slowly and obsevered until we drove out of sight. they did not appear to move and we seen nothing but the lights coming straight down. Approxitmately 15 minutes later returnig home they were gone.
Posted 2002-10-15
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