NUFORC UFO Sighting 25375
Occurred: 2000-06-10 13:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2002-10-02 17:22 Pacific
Duration: 15 seceonds
No of observers: 3
Location: Stevens Point, WI, USA
Shape: Circle
Clear translucent sphere traveling at fifty feet high in day light.
My two children and I were in the yard on the north side of our home.
I looked to the south-west and imediately remarked , "what is that, do you see it ,what is that can you see it?" It traveled from the s-w on a stright corse at about fifty feet alt. uneffected by any air currents ,to my knowledge.We saw it for about three hundred yards , then it went out of sight.
It looked like a clear ridgid glass sphere with a light or reflection at the bottom edge.
We could see through it or so it apeared.
We all went in the house and wrote down what we saw without talking first.This was my idea since I thought I was not sure of what we saw.All the descriptions matched .
I recall at a later date reading or hearing about a stealth device which projected on small screens what was on the opposite side.Giving the allusion of looking through an object. I still do not know.
So there you are take it for what ever you want,I do not care.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2002-10-15
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