NUFORC UFO Sighting 25365
Occurred: 2002-10-01 19:50 LocalReported: 2002-10-02 07:27 Pacific
Duration: 15 min's
No of observers: 2
Location: New York City (Staten Island), NY, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Patrolling fighter jet followed by bright green light !
I reside in the Emerson Hill area of Staten Island and on the evening of Tues. Oct1st at 7:45pm myself and a good friend were in our backyard watching a US fighter jet patrolling the airspace above New York being this was the 1st game of the Yankee Playoff series with Anaheim. On it's first pass it made a loop coming from over the harbor, then just passed the Verranzano, looped back around the Verranzano and then back over the harbor, over Brooklyn, creating a circle pattern that was quite obvious..the 1st pass was normal, the 2nd pass was normal also..but on the 3rd pass we saw something that wasn't normal..and immediately I said to my friend " Do you see that green light follwing that fighter jet !!" he responded ," yeah, it looks like a bright green star !!!"..And what we saw was what appeared to be a bright green star following directly behind this fighter jet..., only by a short distance, but to the lower left hand side of it...and every move the jet made, this thing was right there with it, flying almost addition we only heard the engine sound from the one jet..we had watched it make two prior passes..
the lights on the jet were blinking white & red on top and had visible port and starboard wing lights...the object that was tailing it on the third pass was a bright green light followed the jet as it turned back towards the Verranzano and on the fighter's 4th pass, the light was gone..and my friend and I were astonished as to what we witnessed...I surely hope we weren't the only people who saw this..
Posted 2002-10-15
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