NUFORC UFO Sighting 25358

Occurred: 2002-10-01 23:20 Local
Reported: 2002-10-01 23:38 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: New York City, NY, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Emitted beams, Changed Colo

3 flying objects that changed shapes show up in midtown manhattan

It was about 11:20 this evening i had just finished a recording session on west 56th street in manhattan...i needed a little fresh air so i went on top of the roof to relax for a moment before i tied up loose ends in the studio..

I had been sitting for about five minutes just looking at the GE building and ramdomly at the sky ..then at about 11:18 i recieved a call from a friend,,..i knew what time it was because of the display on my cell phone...i spoke to my frriend for about 2 was about a minute maybe two... i looked to my the left to the building in front of the GE building there is a old water tower on top of the apartment first glance it looked like it was 3 very large black birds which seem to glide over the water tower..but at a closer glance it did not look i got up from my chair and got as close as i could to see what it really i got closer i noticed something very strange the objects started to change remember it was dark and all i could see at this point was the outline of the was these very outlines that were changing shapes...This went on for about 2 minutes ..i know this because i looked at my cell phone read...11:23...Then what happend next scared the livivng crap out of me..(For lack of a better term) All of a sudden they lit up and started to twrill in the sky moving sideways,up and down in this time i ran behind the chair that sits by a little tree on the roof top i stood there in total free.

Then i noticed them lift up to sky in what seemed to be a sequence of shapes..

it was 11:26 when i looked at my cell phone to check the time..and noticed they where flying just above trump towers on 56th and 5th ave..they started to change shapes once again and as they changed shapes they flew in a another sequence of of the patterns was a circle then from a cirlcle the formed a triangle at this point the lights that were on this object to get brighter..

this went on for about 3 minutes..then all of a sudden there lites seemed to dim at this point they pattrened themself's into a straight line and flew towards central park and fanished...

please excuse my writing i am still shook up from this ordeal

Posted 2002-10-15

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