NUFORC UFO Sighting 25348
Occurred: 2002-10-01 19:20 LocalReported: 2002-10-01 17:54 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: New York City (Staten Island), NY, USA
Shape: Egg
Characteristics: Lights on object
Egg Shaped Object Circling
I saw an egg shaped UFO flying relatively low and alot larger than a plane moving around slowly in what seems liked circular motions. My father was driving at the time and I pointed it out to him, we watched it as we drove and when it went out of site behind tree cover we rushed home to get binoculars and head to Gateway Park to try an observe it, but we could not see it from there... Did anyone else see it on this date anywhere, or especially on staten island? Please e-mail me @ ((e-mail deleted)) There was also either 1 or 2 white lights on the object.
NUFORC receives so many reports of blimps from the NYC area that we feel that is the first possible explanation for the sighting that shoulr be ruled out. PD
Posted 2002-10-15
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