NUFORC UFO Sighting 25328
Occurred: 1997-11-01 18:50 Local - ApproximateReported: 2002-09-30 14:10 Pacific
Duration: 2 min.
No of observers: 3
Location: Doniphan, MO, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object
2 fireballs fall from sky and light up surroundings
This happened while my brother and I were sitting in the family room watching wheel of fortune, this room has a sliding glass window which faces north, and I had the seat on the other side of the room, so I could see out the door and up a narrow field, which is about 1/4 of a mile long by maybe 250 ft wide. There is a vacant house and a barn used for storage at the end opposite of where we observed. All land is owned by us. It was about half way thru the show, when I yelled to my brother to "look at that"! He was in the couch , so he had to lean way over to see it. I had seen 2 deep red balls of light fall from the sky,about halfway up the field, one right after another, however, my brother had enough time to get up and witness the second ball. There probably was only a 2 second delay between them.They seemed to "burn out" about 50 ft above the ground. They were maybe 3 ft across, just guessing. Not large at all. We immediately went upstairs to the 2nd floor to the balcony which overlooks the field. My other brother, who was in his bedroom, joined us, we watched and saw the entire area by the old house light up with a bright white light, We could see the tops of trees,and the roof of the house, almost like someone had shone a spotlight on them, But there wasnt a beam of light, things just "lit up" like it does when there is lightning. But it was perfectly calm that night.After about 20 seconds, it died out.Not a sound was made. I drove up to the old house with a camcorder, but nothing at all happened again that night.
This was the closest experience Ive had with these things. However, lately, these bright red, and sometimes orange orbs have been making loud noises, much like fighter jets do when they fly close to the ground, and the noise starts and stops very abruptly. The noise is usually accompanied by glowing red balls flying above the tree line, which stop, ascend, descend sometimes making noise, most of the time not.
Another thing Ive noticed over the years of seeing these lights, sometimes I see what looks like a star, but Im good at telling the difference, because if I keep watching, it stops acting like a star(flashing red, gree, blue, white) and turns into a glowing red ball which sometimes pulsates or fades. Ive seen them start moving, change speed, direction, even split into two or three different balls, then go back together. Some fly pretty close to the house at times. So what in the world is it that does these things? We can see them almost any given night.
Posted 2002-10-15
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