NUFORC UFO Sighting 25322

Occurred: 2000-08-15 10:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2002-09-30 08:23 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes +
No of observers: 1

Location: Sydney (NSW, Australia), , Australia

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Watching an unmoving dot in the sky over Sydney.

It was a bright clear sky. I was taking a morning tea break on the roof of my workplace. At the time I was a clerical worker at a Sydney suburban police station.

I noticed a dark dot very high in the sky. I usually watch airplanes flying into Sydney airport from my vantage point, so I waited to see what type of craft it was and realised it wasn't moving at all, and was way higher than any plane usually is in this area. I moved around to make sure it wasn't a dot on my eye or anything but it stayed in its location. I know sattelites aren't visible in daytime and it was too high and spherical to be a blimp.

I watched for as long as I could before finally having to return to work, having stared at this single unmoving point in the sky for at least ten minutes longer than my allowed workbreak, just waiting to see it move.

I never saw it move, and never saw it again afterward.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2002-10-15

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