NUFORC UFO Sighting 25210
Occurred: 2002-09-22 16:40 LocalReported: 2002-09-22 17:18 Pacific
Duration: 8 seconds
No of observers: 0
Location: Germantown, TN, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Object containing connected spheres photographed in the western sky in daylight near faint clouds.
While photographing cloud formations noted shining object in western sky and obtained photograph. Object was near faint clouds at about six thousand feet. It appeared too small to determine if it was an aircraft, except for the metalic flash of light. Magnefied image to 20x in computer and noted that it consists of at least two silver spheres connected together by possibly a third sphere or other object. It is a small image which is viewed from one end of the object with the opposite end offset to the right and therefore visible in the picture. The area between the end spheres is obscured by the near end.
Posted 2002-09-28
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