NUFORC UFO Sighting 2498

Occurred: 1997-07-04 21:45 Local
Reported: 1997-07-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Brighton, IL, USA

Shape: Light

Summary : While shooting fireworks, saw a bright blue object move horizontilly from east to west across the field in the back of the house.

As we were shooting fireworks at 9:45pm on july 4th, we saw a electric blue object with a bright white core move horizontally from east to west. The light came from over the trees to the east and moved to the southwest diaginally to the west. At first we thought it was a shooting star, but later we learned there were reports of similar objects seen in the area. The object was about the size of a soccer ball and was electric blue around the core. It looked to be about 100' above the gound and was visible for about 600 or 700 ft. and then suddenly disappeared.. The total time visable to us was 5 to 7 seconds. There was no noise associated with the sighting.. There was only one object observed. The observers are between 47 and 54 years old and business owners. We have never seen anything like this. We are not under medication or have not been treated for mental illness and both witnessed the same thing..

Posted 1998-09-26

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