NUFORC Sighting 24877

Occurred: 2002-09-06 05:15 Local
Reported: 2002-09-06 05:57 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Columbus, OH, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

In Columbus, Ohio we heard music and saw flashing lights that appeared to be coming from something flying through our neighborhood.

Around 5:15 am on September 6, 2002, we awoke to hear the sound of something flying in the air close to the roof of our house. As the sound got nearer, there was a musical quality to it. We could also see lights flashing all around the interior of our bedroom. The lights appeared to be red, white, and yellow. The sound moved away after about 15 seconds, then after about 30-45 seconds, the sound and lights seemed to come back around. The music seemde more like the tones of a composition and not like someone's radio. We were wondering if anyone else saw or heard this and could provide more information.

Posted 2002-09-06

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