NUFORC UFO Sighting 24540
Occurred: 2002-08-04 18:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2002-08-19 01:08 Pacific
Duration: 1 &1/2 min.
No of observers: 0
Location: Keaau, HI, USA
Shape: Disk
I could not believe that I was looking at a flying saucer as it sliced thru a cloud....
It was a pleasant late afternoon with blue sky and big puffy clouds. I was watching tv and leaned my head back and looked out the window. I couldn't believe that I saw a flying saucer slicing thru a cloud, and watched as the jetstream of the cloud moved slowly around the white disc. I yelled at my husband to look out the window and see the UFO. I pulled him down to look out the window, but it had moved out of sight. I pushed him up and shoved him out the front door. There it was, moving slowly, heading East towards California. There was no sound from it. It was amazing. It was very close. It was real. I still feel weird thinking and talking about it. I've seen some strange sightings before, at night, never during the day, but ones that moved erraticly with blue, green and red lights... But never this close or during the day. My husband works as a maintenance man up on Mauna Kea. He has a BA from the University of Hawaii @ Hilo. I work on our lilikoi farm, and I am a photographer and I have a year and a half left to get my degree at the University. I was also a Tankerman for fourteen years on the west coast.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2002-08-28
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