NUFORC UFO Sighting 24521

Occurred: 1968-07-14 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2002-08-18 09:14 Pacific
Duration: 15 Seconds
No of observers: 6

Location: North Little Rock, AR, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object

UFO seen / chased by jets over Little Rock AR in late 60s.

I believe it was in the late 60s that the event which I am about to describe took place. Late one evening, my father was listening to the Arkasas Traveler's baseball game on a local AM station. At one point during the game the station broadcast that numerious people were calling in and reporting that a UFO could be seen in the night sky over North Little Rock. Upon hearing this, my father, mother, and one or more of my siblings went outside to observe. On that paticular evening, I was camping out with a friend in his backyard. His house was about a block down the street from my parents house. Not really expecting or looking for anything unusual my friend and I observed an object to the east traveling north. It moved silently across the sky and and several amber lights that traveled in a circular motion around the exterior of the object as if it were rotating. We were in our early teens and did not really think too much about what we had seen. When I arrived at home the following day, my parents told me what had happened the previous evening and about the radio broadcast. They too had observed the same object my friend and I had seen.

In addition there was an article in the Arkansas Democrat the next day stating that jet aircraft at the Little Rock Air Force base had been scrambled but was unsuccessful in their pursuit of the object. If anyone else has knowledge of this event and can relate the specific year and day I would appreciate it as I would like to find the article in the Ark Democrat archives. In addition to this event there was another similar event that occurred in Jacksonville Arkansas in the late 60s where jets from the Little Rock AFB were scrambled to chase an object. This event was also documented in the Arkansas Democrat.


The date is approximate. We will invite the witness to obtain the exact date from the newspaper. PD

Posted 2002-08-28

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