NUFORC UFO Sighting 24517

Occurred: 2002-08-18 04:24 Local
Reported: 2002-08-18 07:35 Pacific
Duration: 50 secs
No of observers: 1

Location: Halifax (Canada), NS, Canada

Shape: Other

big, very bright and traveling slow

Could not sleep, so I got up to go get a drink. I looked out my window and saw it going by. If I were to put my baby finger up in front of my face, and look out the window, it would be the size of my finger-nail.

It was big. It freaked me out so bad that I could not go back to sleep, I just kept looking out the window to see more.

Then I remembered that the asteroid was to pass earth last night, but everything that I checked on the net led me to believe that there was no way I could have seen what I saw, and so big, with my naked eye. And it was not traveling very fast.

Posted 2002-08-28

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