NUFORC UFO Sighting 24486
Occurred: 1979-06-01 22:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2002-08-16 05:58 Pacific
Duration: 5mins
No of observers: 3
Location: Napier (New Zealand), , New Zealand
Shape: Other
The speed of this craft was faster than any aircraft that I have witnessed it vanished in a instant!.....
There is not alot that I can say but describe as what we saw it occurred about 3miles off the coast of Hawkes Bay,Near Napier New Zealand in 1979 at the time when alot of unindentified craft had been reported by many folk around the country even by commercial pilots the sightings were given the name of the Kaikoura ufo's as many had been seen near here...Kaikoura is at the top eastern side of the South Island & Hawkes Bay is at the central eastern side of the North Island about 300 miles from the South. What we saw was a bright light {silver} skimming very low & at great speed { the speed had to be greater than any aircraft could do at the time as it covered at least 10miles in a split instance } across the horizon out at sea at 1st we thought it may have been a military jet untill it changed direction back to the way it had just come from in a split instant something that no aircraft could do then it seemed to increase even more speed & just vanished.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2002-08-16
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