NUFORC UFO Sighting 24457
Occurred: 1991-03-30 19:00 LocalReported: 2002-08-14 21:21 Pacific
Duration: 12 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Trois-Rivières (Canada), QC, Canada
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
A quiet vessel flying over the University of Trois-Rivieres,Quebec
It had the shape of a bell with a light coming out from the inside just like a commun lampshade. It was flying in a slow motion and it appeared very big from where I was. I realized that was nothing like I was used to see, for it was flying silently, no noise was to be heard. At that very moment, I was walking my way to the university bringing coffees in my hands to my department with another pal walking with me. I said to him: Look! There! In the sky! He said: where? But he hadn't had the time to see it for the "thing" flew through the air and vanished into the clouds making a curved motion.I had never seen nothing like this before. When I went back to the department,I was shocked livid. I realized that I saw stg. unusual. I felt both weak and strong.
Date may be approximate. Witness elects to remain semi-anonymous. PD
Posted 2002-08-16
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