NUFORC UFO Sighting 24161
Occurred: 1980-02-15 13:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2002-08-04 01:27 Pacific
Duration: 2mins
No of observers: 1
Location: Gisborne (New Zealand), , New Zealand
Shape: Cylinder
I was in New Zealand for a working holiday, and a group of us went north of Gisbourn to a cool pub on the beach, it was about 1:00 pm on a beautiful Febuary day--not a cloud in the sky.
I went for a walk on the beach on my own, and I laid down in the sand. I saw an aircraft almost directly above me. I thought, "what a funny it's not moving...oh yeah, weather baloon...but it's metallic....and it was cylindrical like a soft-drink can; it had two shark-like fins on each side, it was silver; yet not shiny; like pewter or air brushed smoothe. There were no signs of engines, no caligraphy, just pure silver.
It was high helicopter or small plane height. It is hard to estimate how large it was, but to be so close as to discern that there were no windows, no engines, no was pretty close.
What convinced me that it was a special event--it took off warp-speed.
In the beginning of Star Trek, when the Enterprise takes off warp-speed? Well, that"s what"s this thing did! I saw it dissapear into a pinpoint and go out of sight in 2 seconds.
I went running up the beach to my brother and friends and said,:guys I have just truly seen a UFO." They asked me why didn"t I tell them...and I said that it just took off before I could.
I feel pretty special. And I'm wondering if other people have seen the same cylydrical shape--coke can with shark fins? Most of all Why are they here
Date is approximate. Witness elects to remain totally anonymous. PD
Posted 2013-04-12
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