NUFORC Sighting 24097

Occurred: 2002-07-28 22:00 Local
Reported: 2002-08-01 06:26 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Coutit, MA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Travelling "star" crosses Cape Cod toward D.C.

Around ten o'clock EST at night I was sitting out in my back yard on Cape Cod watching the stars. What looked light a medium to small sized star, bright white, appeared from the east, which would have been the ocean. It was travelling in a perfectly straight line across the sky, and seemed very high up - appearing to be up with the stars. What got my attention was the rate of speed - it was moving faster than any kind of plane or jet that I've ever seen. It crossed the sky in a south west direction until it disappeared from my site. We live on the edge of Otis AFB so I am used to jets. This was far higher than any jet, and far faster. I didn't make note of the date but it was either the 27th or 28th. When I mentioned it to my daughter a couple of nights later, she told me there had been reports of the same thing over Washington, D.C. that coincided with the night I saw it.

Posted 2002-08-16

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