NUFORC UFO Sighting 23726

Occurred: 2002-07-11 01:00 Local
Reported: 2002-07-12 11:07 Pacific
Duration: one minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Fort Collins, CO, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

3 flashes then 7 dim lights flying in a "V" shape.

My friend and I were laying in my back yard at about 1:00 in the morning it was a clear night so we could see all of the stars. Then we saw 3 flashes and then about 5 to 10 minutes later we saw 7 dim (they almost looked brownish) lights flying in a perfect "V" shape. It flew right between my neighbor's (behind us)houses and then between mine and my next door neighbors. It was flying pretty low and there was no sound at all. We couldnt see between the lights so it must have been one object. It flew above us for only about one minute then disapeared. It moved to slow to be a B-2 bomber (which is what we thought it was.)It was bigger then a 747.

Posted 2002-07-26

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