NUFORC UFO Sighting 23721
Occurred: 2002-07-07 14:00 LocalReported: 2002-07-12 09:23 Pacific
Duration: 5 MIN
No of observers: 1
Location: Chagrin Falls, OH, USA
Shape: Cross
Digital photos of high altitude object over Chagrin Falls, Oh., 07/07/02. "Popping" sound(distant) behind object.
PLEASE NOTE - I AM A RETIRED PHYSICIAN - AND FORMER PILOT. JULY 7th, Sunday afternoon approx. 2:00 pm esds time while working in my back yard, I heard a distant "popping" sound coming from over my head. This caused me to look up. At first I had a difficult time finding the source of the sound. I looked ahead of the sound - as one does for a jet at altitude - the object was approx. 10 degrees ahead of the returned sound - using 180 degrees from horizon to horizon as the parameter. The entire event lasted slightly less than 5 minutes. The object's heading was WNW to ESE. It also appeared to roll once - outside loop type - not barrel roll. No vapor trail was present. My guess at it's altitude was well over 30,000 feet AGL. It was very large and moving at a constant rate. You should be able to estimate size and height of the object between the zero magnification photo and the leaves on the oak trees in the various photos. I have the photos saved to cd in tiff. format should you need them. You may contact me via my E-Mail address which follows. ((e-address deleted)) This was no hot air balloon. Sincerely, Dr. ((deleted)) I am e-mailing photos to as requested today.
Posted 2002-07-26
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