NUFORC UFO Sighting 23581

Occurred: 2002-07-02 22:30 Local
Reported: 2002-07-03 09:56 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Varennes (Canada), QC, Canada

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

triangular object with a light in each corner traveled soundless across the sky

This object was observed briefly as I was watching the stars with my bare eyes during a cloudless night (Approx 22:30). As I was looking at a blinking star vertically above my head, I picked up a shape mooving South west to North east. The object covered about half the sky during it's travel in about 4 to 5 seconds. It was more or less following the ST-Laurence river at about a mile from the shore.

My first impression was of a plane at low altitude since it travelled quite rapidly (more common at low altitude about 1000 ft). The unusual shape and lack of sound convinced me that it was not a plane (I'll talk later about the shape).

Then I tought it could be a few large birds. Again I could not see any wing moovement and at that time of night large birds do not fly in my area.

The shape of the object was triangular with the tree corners glowing. The glow was 3 circular lights and were not bright. The glow from the light (not blinking) was not at the tip of the triangle but slightly inside. The object had no contrast or defined edges. I could tell it was triangular because the shape sometimes overlapped the surrounding stars (during it's travel) revealing the shape. Basically the dark triangular object with glowing circles travelled smoothly without a sound.

The object travelled smoothly without stopping in the night.

The size of the object was hard to define since it was not very bright and I did not know at what altitude it travelled. Hold 2 fingers one inch apart and hold your hand above your head, This was the approximate size of my observation of the object.

I work in the aircraft industry and I know a lot about them. This object could not have been a plane of the sort I know.

Thanks for reading my strange sighting.

Posted 2002-07-26

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