NUFORC UFO Sighting 2353
Occurred: 1979-07-15 22:30 LocalReported: 1997-07-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Yakima (30 miles east of, on Highway 24), WA, USA
Shape: Other
Summary : Man remembers seeing object with three revolving lights in sky in front of his traveling auto. Object disappears, car lights go off and on.
I need to point out that the following event was forgotten for several years. And the other person in the car at the time still doesn't remember it taking place at all. But I do remember during a trip from Pasco Washington to Yakima Washington.My friend ((Name deleted))and I were heading to Yakima in order to get another load, I was moving to Pasco. It was late at night and we were going a little over the speed limit. When I noticed a object flying in front of me, just off the road. At first I thought it was a helicopter, then I noted that it wasn't making any sound and the lights on the aircraft were unconventional in that they rotated around the craft instead of flashing in place. There were three colors of lights, I remember blue and green with either red or white lights. They were rotating from my left to my right on the vehicle, which appeared as a dark shadow against the night sky. The object was within a hundred yards of me and was cigar shaped, roughtly 20 feet wide and 8 feet with no wings or any appendages. It was flying about 20 feet off the ground In an attempt to get closer I speeded up to 90 miles an hour and the craft stayed in relative position to me. Suddenly, the ship instantly speeded off to the nort!h and disappeared over a hill. It moved with incredible speed.Suddenly my head lights went out. I took my foot off the gas pedal and started breaking my vehicle. I pressed the pedal a few times when the headlights came on again. I was going to excelerate when they went off again. I continued to break and the lights came on again. They came on again and I noticed a field access road off the highway and not wanting to break down on the road turned into it. ((Name deleted)) and I got out of the car and relieved ourselves by the car.As I said before, I forgot this whole event for a matter of several years. It was only after a discussion on UFO's that I remembered the event. This is the first time that I have reported it to anyone other then close friends and work associates.
Posted 2001-08-05
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