NUFORC UFO Sighting 23387

Occurred: 2002-06-20 00:00 Local
Reported: 2002-06-21 04:18 Pacific
No of observers: 0

Location: Pompa Plains (Argentina), , Argentina

Characteristics: Lights on object

Cattle Mutilaions in Argentina. Bright lights seen in sky.

Argentina Cattle Mutilations - At leat 70 cattle killed with surgical precision in recent weeks. Genitals & tongues pulled out. Entrails removed through burn-like incision in cow's rear-end. Charred grass - no blood stains. One horse's hoof had a circle drawn on it. Animal Health Inspection Service Senasa to perform autopsies. Local inhabitants of La Pampa province reported saw bright lights in sky near one site of mutilations. Despite widespread hunger, no meat was removed from carcasses. This info reported on TLC.COM


Many reports in the media and over the internet about the mutilations in Argentina. Many of the reports appear to us to be quite credible. PD

Posted 2002-07-01

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