NUFORC UFO Sighting 23272

Occurred: 1951-07-10 23:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2002-06-13 09:06 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 10

Location: Provo, UT, USA

Shape: Disk

Observed a gray, saucer shaped object for 30 minutes, clear blue sky, no clouds, hover, move slowly, and accelerate out of sight.

I am an Electrical Engineer that witnessed (along with my best friend and a few neighbors) a UFO in the Provo, Utah, area (Edgemont) in the year 1950 or 1951. Looking at your site, I do not see this account posted so please review - The UFO sighting took place at about 11:30 am in the morning. It was a clear July day with, zero clouds, and a bright blue sky. My boy friend and I were playing near the foot hills when we notices a gray object hovering at about 8000 feet above us. We thought that it was a weather bloon. It was not moving around and just seemed to stay in one place. As we watched it, the object, that appeared round from our point view, rotated on its axis, so that we could see that it had the shape of a saucer. It was gray in color with no flashing lights, noise, or windows that we could see or hear. We had to use one hand to block the sun from our view. The saucer shaped object then started to move slowly towards the West. We ran to some of our neighbor's homes and asked them to come out and look at the object. The object moved slowly West until it appreared to be over the city of Orem (about 2 to 3 miles from our homes). The object then accelerated North at a extreme speed, up over Mount Timpanogos and out of sight.


Date is approximate. We have invited the witness to locate some of the other witnesses, and have them submit reports, as well. PD

Posted 2002-06-13

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