NUFORC UFO Sighting 2324

Occurred: 1993-02-23 10:00 Local
Reported: 1997-06-30 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Paducah, KY, USA

Shape: Unknown

Summary : This happened A LONG time ago , but i am JUST now admiting it. It was about 10:00 Pm on Feb 23, 1993. Me and a Friend were in his Pool in his back yard and i saw a LARGE object in the sky about as big as a FOOTBALL FIELD !! it was far away about a mile then it turned INTO a SMALL red Ball then it shot up into the Distance. My friend Saw a little of it but i saw all of it.

One night me and a Friend were in his Pool in his Backyard at 10:00PM on Feb 23 1993. I looked up in the ski and about a MILE away i saw a HUGE object in the ski that was about as big as a Football field!! It had blue lights underneath its hull that were VERY bright. Then after floating in the air for about 9 seconds it turned into a RED ball that was VERY small !!! THen it shot off into the Distance. My friend saw a little of it but i saw ALL. THe next day i was at another friends house and thier dad SAW the Exact SAME thing i saw that night and he Described it Exactly !!

Posted 1998-06-02

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